How a photographer prepares for her own boudoir session


If you were a cake maker and you decided to hire another cake maker to create something fabulous for your own special occasion, you’d probably be pretty picky, right? Picky about who you asked, picky about the design, picky about absolutely every little thing because -hey- it’s what you eat, live and breathe.

I’m having my very own first editorial-style/boudoir photo session next month and, despite the number of sessions I’ve shot for other women and the advice I’ve given, I’m going a little nuts in preparation.  Since this is where I let my hair down (and write in my pajamas) I figured I can share with you what I’m personally doing to get ready for this milepost event, and, hopefully, you’ll find some helpful hints as you plan your own session!

Kelly Cameron, self portrait

My first self-portrait boudoir session, creating examples for my clients. If I’m not brave enough to share my boudoir photos, I certainly can’t expect my clients to share theirs (which only a very few do allow me to. I completely respect their privacy but am grateful for examples to show future clients.)

Pst -I shot this photo using a tripod and remote on my camera.  You can see the remote clutched in my hand as I was trying to hide it.  I am so thankful I won’t have to worry about multi-tasking in my upcoming session.  Phew!

–> The Workout.

I know, I know.  I have said (and still believe) that you can have a fabulous boudoir session TODAY without any physical preparation because it’s all about letting your inner beauty *SHINE*…. (which is the truth, goshdarnit)… but most women are slightly neurotic about their body image.  I am, and I don’t hesitate admitting it.  For me, my ideal isn’t where I am right now, so I want to step it up in the workout department so I’m pleased with the results next month.  I know it’s attainable -it’s getting back to a fitness level I’ve been at, so it’s not drastic, but it certainly requires dedication to exercise.

Daily cardio (I like running in the morning with Shelby and one or both of the kids in the jogging stroller) followed by a simple muscle toning routine of pull ups, sit ups, push ups and squats.  If I can get it all done in 45 min, that’s a sustainable routine for me, and one I’d recommend to any woman.

–>  The Nutrition Plan

Holy moly, I’ve tried more crazy eating lifestyle changes than I can count (well, actually, it’s been about 4-5 in the past 3 years.)  Brian’s a nutrition and exercise fanatic so he’s always trying out new things that I piggyback on.  Currently it’s one that makes the most sense (so far…we’ll see.)  Basically it’s calorie counting, eating “clean” and making sure that there is a small deficit every day from the amount of calories my body needs to simply maintain my current weight.  This leads to slow, regular and healthy weight loss.  I don’t have lots to lose, but I have a target and should be able to reach my goal in the next 5 weeks, just in time for my session.

–>  The Styling

I’ve asked Edith Henry, Austin’s top fashion and wardrobe stylist, to help master the visions I have for my session.  If I know one thing, it’s to trust the professionals -and professionals who do excellent work and know their stuff.  A little advice here: whether you’re selecting a make up artist, photographer, florist, landscape crew, caterer, tattoo artist, etc, make sure they have examples of the work you are expecting to receive for yourself.  If you go on craigslist, pick the cheapest photographer you can find, send them inspiration photos of something that probably cost $25,000 to shoot (all said and done) you simply cannot expect them to deliver.  Edith Henry, on the other hand, DELIVERS.  She’s published in Italian Vogue, and artsy fashion magazines across the country, along with being the fashion editor of Austin Lifestyle Magazine.  She styles “real” people as well as models and is not only fabulous at her craft, but is a sheer joy to be around (another HUGE factor to consider when selecting your vendors.)

We’re thinking 2 looks.  One that’s gypsy/bohemian featuring some of Austin’s fabulous artists and designers, such as Ferrell Designs -I can’t wait to wear her amazing necklaces. This will be shot outdoors, mostly. The second will be something between natural and dramatic with a bit of theatrical flare, I think, and will be shot indoors for a more intimate feel.

–> The Location

I am beyond excited to shoot at The Vineyard at Florence.  This is a wonderful location for a boudoir session as there are several villas you can rent, each luxuriously decorated, and the vineyards are right outside your door.  Plus, their wine is amazing, and what’s a boudoir session without a little adult beverage?  Since I’m wanting both outdoor and indoor locations, The Vineyard at Florence is the perfect spot.

–> The Hair & Make Up

I’m thinking *extensions.*  I’m thinking one or two layers of fake eyelashes.  I’m thinking fabulous!  This is an area that many gals cringe at and say, “Do I really have to hire someone do my hair and make up?  Can’t I just do it myself?”  To which I reply, “No, you can’t do it, and yes, you need to hire someone good.”  Hair and make up have a massive impact on the quality of your look.  It’s an investment and it’s totally worth it.

I’ve asked Kelsey James to be my Hair and Make Up Mistress of Fabulousness.  She works regularly with Edith Henry and they make an amazing team.  Kelsey is also the queen of one liners, zingers and hilarious random sayings.  She’s another person you just want to have around all the time.   I know many fabulous hair and make up artists that I would have asked, but I wanted the to keep the Edith/Kelsey team together and I know they do a phenomenal job, with or without their superhero capes.

–>  The Photographer

I know, it’s a little odd having a photographer feature another photographer on their site, but HECK, he’s got the biggest job in this project and I’m super excited.  This is the guy I asked because I love his work and -again- his personality.  When you see someone’s work and say, “I want to have pictures of me that look like that!” and you keep thinking that as you view more of their work, then you’ve found a winner.

Remember my cake maker analogy above?  Well, since I trust Tim’s eye based on his body of work, and I know I can relax and just “blossom” during my session (as I tell my clients,) I am confident that I won’t turn into a neurotic, bossy mess, therefore allowing Tim to be the artist I trust and me be excited about the outcome.  Yay!!  (Hopping up and down with delight!)

So that’s how this (crazy) little photographer thinks as she prepares for her very own glamorous portrait session.  I promise to share some of Tim’s photos with you when they’re done.

Have a question or need suggestions as you’re planning your session?  Comment or send me an email at kelly{at}  I would love to help as you prepare!  Boudoir is something every woman should experience at least once in her life.  But, I warn you, the feeling of pampering and beauty is rather addictive.  After your first session, you’ll be planning your second as you drive home 🙂

Check out some other boudoir sessions to get a little inspiration!
