You’re the Expert on Your Wedding Vision

Don't boss my brides

Who’s bossing you around with your wedding plans?  Your mother-in-law-to-be?  An older sibling?  A well-meaning friend?

Listen, Honey, do you recall those same types of folks who told you how to proceed after you graduated from high school?  Now they’re all up in your wedding plans, right?  Just wait until your pregnant.  You’ll see the same folks dishing out their “expert” advice.  And it’s still going to drive you bonkers.

What I want you to do is this:

Politely smile and nod.  Respond with an, “Oh, that’s an idea.”  And walk to a quiet room where you can lock a door, close your eyes, look deep into your heart of hearts and connect with what YOU want for your wedding.

Drama’s for the birds.  You don’t need that ship.  Yep -I just said ship.  What you need is stress-free goodness, a sense of humor and resolve to stay true to your wedding vision.

And maybe dancing a few times to this song.  It’s a favorite.

If you need a wedding planning bouncer, shoot me a line.  What’s most important is that YOU get to live your wedding dream.  Not someone else’s.

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